HealthVit Winter care

"Amda 1 UNIT IMMUNITY BOOSTER Tulsi 1 UNIT RESPIRATORY CARE Ginger 1 UNIT GASTRIC CARE" Winter brings along its share of colds and cough, So to prevent it HealthVit Winter care provides Amda, Tul-c and Ginger to build up natural immunity.
Delivery date: 3-5 days
Vendor: West Coast
₹ 470.00
₹ 350.00

Winter brings along its share of colds and cough, So to prevent it HealthVit Winter care provides Amda, Tul-c and Ginger to build up natural immunity.

As a Blood Purifier
As an Anti-oxidant and Immunity Booster
Rich source of Vitamin C and Iron
Improves Memory and Eyesight
Improves Hemoglobin level
Enhances the Digestion power and supports Brain function

A powerful adaptogen and antistress agent
Helpful in preventing and reducing stress
Act as anti asthmatic and anti-oxidant
Improves memory & digestion power

Cold and sore throats
Stimulates digestion
As carminative
Used in heart disease and cancer
Reduce pain of osteoarthritis




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