PRODUCT BRIEF: Der 9 Gel is created with the perfect blend of Probiotics and special Ayurvedic herbs is helpful in treating various skin disorders and reduces itching,helps in reducing skin inflammation, allergies and rashes, effective blood purifier.
INGREDIENTS AND BENEFITS: Amlaki- Potent anti-inflammatory action.
Gandhaka- Broad spectrum anti-bacterial.
Guggulu- Augments white blood cell production and helps in fighting infection.
Haridra- Increases the glow of the skin.
Khadira- Astringent property useful in faster healing.
Kutaja- Helpful in fighting various skin disorders.
Manjistha- Effective blood purifier.
Nimba- Used as an anti leprotic agent.
Sweta Chandan- Clears skin from blackheads and spots.
Tulsi- Possesses antifungal and antibiotic properties.
Yasthimadhu- Provides natural immunity to the skin with its anti inflammatory action.
INDICATIONS: It helps in Bacterial & Fungal Infections
Dermatitis,Eczema,Urticaria,Allergic & Chronic Disorders of Skin,Boils
DOSAGE:Apply 1-2 gms of Der-9 Gel on affected part for 2-3 times a day or as directed by physician. For external use only.
Composition: Amlaki 20 mg, Gandhaka 20 mg, Guggulu 20 mg, Haridra 20 mg, Khadira 20 mg, Kutaja 20 mg, Manjistha 20 mg, Nimba 20 mg, Sweta Chandan 10 mg, Tulsi 20 mg,
Yasthimadhu 20 mg,Gel Base Qs
PACKAGING: 50gms jar
MANUFACTURER: Maximaa Proyurveda